Racine, WI.
Run 1 - July 11-13, 2025.
Run 2 - July 14-16, 2025.


A larp by Maria Pettersson & Katrine Wind.


Ingame, the larp takes place in a mansion called Helicon, in a remote place somewhere in rural Wales.

The larp is set in the “vintage era”, which is an unspecified time, somewhere between the late 19th century and the middle of the 20th century. The exact year or location are not of central importance to the game.

Mortal characters come from different parts of the world and from various backgrounds, most of them from upper-class families. They met when they all studied at the same elite university in England. There, they found a way to lure the Muses of antiquity, and to compel them to manifest themselves.

Since graduation, they have all had spectacular careers, either in art, science, or in leadership. They are the Inspired whose work is known across the world. They can choose however and wherever in the world they want to live – some cannot get enough of fame and publicity, while others prefer to dwell as hermits in secret locations, and only come out to show their latest works.

All of them are able to earn vast amounts of money. Some will use their fortunes wisely, while others the money will corrupt and destroy.

The Muses are mythical creatures, who first came to life in ancient Greece. There, they had several temples and shrines, the main cult center being Mount Helicon. Every 15 years, Mount Helicon calls it’s children to return home. The Muses are thousands of years old, but they certainly don’t feel like it, and they rarely look back to their previous lives. They live in the moment, enjoy being worshiped, and grant Inspiration to those they find worthy or interesting. Or at least… that’s how it used to be.

In Helicon’s world, it is normal for people of all genders, ages, and ethnicities to attend universities, and to work as artists, leaders and scientists. Sexism, ageism, ableism, and racism are not design elements. Classism (discrimination against people belonging to a particular social class) is part of some character’s stories. The Muses can choose to be of any gender, or genderless.

The larp will include elements of violence, alcoholism, drug use, sexual violence and some mental health issues, such as depression and mania. Players can choose not to have these elements in the background of their characters, but they might encounter them in other players’ characters.


You will play either a Muse or one of the Inspired.

A Muse is a mythical creature composed of Inspiration, passion, and emotion. Muses, like most Greek gods and goddesses, are very human, with emotions and desires the same as any mortal. They also possess certain extraordinary abilities – most famously the ability to Inspire artists, leaders and scientists. All Muses are siblings and have deep, but possibly complex, relationships with each other.

The Inspired are celebrated stars in their fields, be it art or science, religion or politics. They are former students who have risen to fame thanks to their own abilities, but also thanks to the Inspiration they’ve taken from the Muses. All of the Inspired know each other from their time as students, and they have meaningful and sometimes complicated relationships with each other.

A very important relationship in the larp is that of each of the Inspired and their Muse, bound together voluntarily or involuntarily.

Every Muse is owned by one or more of the Inspired. The mortal is the owner and will eventually have the last word. But the Inspired are, although very successful, dependent on their Muses. In this way the Muses also have power over their owners. Their relationship can be amicable, romantic, bitter, abusive, equal, hateful, passionate, or all the above.

The Inspired draw Inspiration from the Muses. This happens most effectively when the Muses inspire voluntarily, but if that doesn’t happen, Inspiration can be taken forcibly from a Muse. If one of the Inspired is greedy and takes too much Inspiration from a Muse in a single dose, they might be highly influenced by said Muse. It is dangerous to surrender too deeply to the intoxicating feeling of being Inspired, as the Muse might take advantage of the influence that this gives them. Inspiration is addictive.

The characters will all be open to everyone to read (fully transparent). You are not required to read all of them, only your own character.

We encourage you to be in touch with the players of your character’s closest relations before the game. You are, however, obliged to get in contact and plan with your Inspired/Muse contact, and discuss for example, your expectations and boundaries.

There are a maximum of 14 Muses in the game, each of them owned by one or more humans.

In the sign-up form you are asked to pick the types of art, science or leadership you and your partner(s) are interested in.

If you pick for example Music and Dance, one of you will portray Euterpe or Terpsichore, and the other one will portray a celebrated star of music or dance.

In art, Muses are almost always portrayed as young, white women. This is not our vision. We strongly urge people of all genders, ages, body-types, ethnicities, etc… (including young, white women) to sign up as both the Muses and the Inspired as the characters ingame are also of all genders, body-types, ethnicities etc.

Muses and Inspired

The available Inspired and Muses are as follows. Note the gender for the Inspired cannot be changed, but it can be played by people of any gender. The muses are essentially without gender:

  • Comedy: Christian Schönburg and Thalia.
  • Dance: Danielle Lafontaine and Terpsichore.
  • Epic poetry: Edmund Wright and Calliope.
  • History: Henry Wilson and Clio.
  • Love poetry: Lawrence Black and Erato.
  • Music: Maximilian Stern and Euterpe.
  • Painting: Phillip Frost and Omorfia.
  • Philosophy: Penelope Spencer and Urania.
  • Politics: Percy Shaw and Kallistrate.
  • Psychology: Patrick O’Connor and Phren.
  • Sculpture: Sophia Newton and Athanasia.
  • Song: Sky Stanhope and Aoide.
  • Spiritual inspiration: Stella Wilson and Polyhymnia.
  • Tragedy: Thomas Montgomery, Taylor Montgomery and Melpomene.


The larp is set in the “vintage era”, which encompasses any time from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century.

Those playing Inspired are asked to find a suitable costume which will portray their character. They can be modest or outrageous according to the character’s personality and taste, but should aesthetically fit the vintage era. Historical accuracy is not important. Inspired can use any colour apart from white and gold. A white shirt under a set of other colors is okay but the white should be toned down.

The Muses will dress in white and gold. Their clothes can contain influences of the fashions of ancient Greece, or they can be from the vintage era. Ingame, the Inspired will choose what clothes they give to their Muses; off-game the costume should be up to the player of the Muse.

All game runner-generated content will take place inside. You can play outside if you want to, but there may be other people on the property.


A detailed schedule will be released closer to the event, and below should be considered tentative, and subject to modifications. This larp will run continiously from game start day 1 to game end day 2, with a "quiet period" from midnight to 8 am where minimal activities will happen. Your private rooms will always be off-game and it's possible to rest there.

Day 2 morning, the game will resume after brekafast, and we will likely play until 9-11 pm Saturday night depending on how the story progress. Once the game is complete day evening, we will gather in the bar for an afterparty.

We can accomodate arrival the day before if you want to socialize with others, or just schedule your travels that way.

The schedule is as follows:

    Pre-game arrival day - Thursday / Sunday

  • Arrival in the afternoon / evening.
  • Socializing and get to know each other.

    Day 1 - Friday / Monday

  • Arrival no later than noon.
  • Afternoon workshops and getting into costume.
  • Act 1 starts arround dinner time.
  • Game off by Midnight.

    Day 2 - Saturday / Tuesday

  • Morning - Breakfast OOC, and calibrations.
  • Start of Act 2.
  • Offgame afternoon break and calibration.
  • Act 3 starts with dinner.
  • Game off by 9-11 pm.
  • Afterparty.

    Day 3 - Sunday / Wednesday

  • Get up and have breakfast.
  • Pack up and leave by 11 am.