Racine, WI.
Run 1 - July 11-13, 2025.
Run 2 - July 14-16, 2025.


A larp by Maria Pettersson & Katrine Wind.


The application is open from May 25 through June 22, noon central time. After this we will review, carry out flagging, and let players know if they have received a spot, or have been waitlisted.
Slots will be allocated based on a mixture of lottery and casting, and it will not matter when you sign up. There is no first come first serve.

We expect flagging to be done by June 29, and for acceptance and wailist messages to go out no later than July 20.

After the initial application period has closed, we will keep the application form open for people to be able to sign up to the waitlist.

The minimum age to participate will be 21 years due to the nature of the game, and the access to alchohol on the premise.

For those assigned a spot, the initial non-refundable downpayment will be due shortly after you are offered a spot.


Journeys & Tales operate a flagging system whereby prospective attendees can draw our attention to concerns that they have about other prospective attendees. We will not hesitate to exclude people on this basis. We use this system both for general callibration (green, yellow, and orange flags), and for safety (red flags).

Unfortunately, our hobby has sometimes shown that it contains people who should not attend community events. We as organizers need your help here – we don’t know the names of everyone who is a concern in this way. We also want to make sure that you feel comfortable with the people who are around you during the event.
After signups have closed, we will circulate the names of prospective attendees to all that has signed up, and you can if you wish raise the following flags:

  • Green flag – I'd like close in-character ties to this person if possible (we'll see what we can do in casting if they are attending.)
  • Yellow flag – I don’t want to be in any of the same groups as this person. This is for allocation purposes only, and won’t affect yours or the other person’s chance to get a spot. Chose this if you don’t believe that the person is unsafe, but for personal reasons you are unable to play closely with them.
    Please note that due to the small nature of the larp, and preset scenes such as dinners and rituals, it will not be possible to completely avoid a person you may have flagged.
  • Orange flag – You’re unable to attend if someone else gets a spot. Choose this if you don’t believe that that person is unsafe, but for personal reasons you are unable to attend an event that they’re at. In this case, whichever of your or their names is allocated a ticket first will be prioritized. Or you may be split in different runs.
  • Red flag – choose this if you believe that the person is unsafe to larp with. Examples of this might be bullying, harassment, or abuse. We would appreciate some brief details about why the red flagging happened, but you don’t have to give a reason for red-flagging a name.
  • We will not tell anyone who red-flagged them, or why.

Once all the flags have been collected, the final casting and lottery will take place. We understand that saying you feel unsafe around someone can be difficult, and we want to make it as easy as possible for you.

If you feel that you need to respond with one or more flags, then you can do so confidentially. We will need, for administrative purposes, to share with the organizer group the fact that someone has been flagged. But the name of the person giving a flag will be kept confidential, as will any reasons for flagging that you choose to share with us.
We are happy to further discuss any individual concerns about flagging someone – please do get in touch if you have any questions.